Thursday, August 9, 2012

Everything connects!

What are the chances that...

1 - You find out you were born less than three miles away from your college
2 - You find out that you actually have heard of Arcadia University before the college searches - and you've been there too. Well, 17 years ago when your grandfather was the Santa for the school!
3- You find out that your mom took graduate classes at Arcadia (well, technically Beaver College)
4 - Your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins live within 15 minutes of the campus
5 - Your family relocates because of a job, and goes from being almost 3 hours away to less than 2
6 - Your twin brother picks a school 7.6 miles away from yours

What are the chances that all six things happened? Probably slim to none. But for me, that's the exact truth. They say everything happens for a reason. Life truly does connect!

My sister (right), my brother (back of stroller), and me (front of stroller) going to see my Grandfather dressed up as Santa at Arcadia University

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